Christmas in WV

Christmas in WV
What a beautiful place to be...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Been a while...

Well I am Columbus again for the annual eTech Conference. This is a chance to get together with other techies to trade, learn, teach each other about what we know that is the latest and greatest in technology. It is a great way to find out about things that can make you a better, or at the very least a better equipped teacher. Lots of great ideas that I will be using after I get back. The really cool thing is that you can start playing with tools right away if you have a laptop, ipad, droid or other input ready device with you!!!

It is rather nasty outside today. It seems like the last couple of times we have been here, school was closed at least one day while we were gone. Looks like it may be two this year! Nasty, nasty ice be careful out there.
