Christmas in WV

Christmas in WV
What a beautiful place to be...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Softball, softball who's got the softball?

Pitchers and catchers started bum is draggin! I have never coached girls softball before, let alone fast pitch, but it was totally awesome spending time with young ladies I have taught in class. They wore me out with leg lifts and running the stairs! Maybe they will get this old man in shape by spring....that would be wonderful!

Any way, thankful for the start of a FULL week of school! VERY thankful to be back to work, I hate being a couch potato.

Emily and Alex close on their first house this Friday, which also happens to be the Mouse's b-day, followed by Cindy's on Saturday. Busy, busy week ahead!


Friday, February 19, 2010

I like Chinese you like Chinese foo.....????

My hip Chinese food song...I love to sing it when ever I have had Chinese and just had some with my sweetie tonight. So... do you need the whole song??

I like Chinese you like Chinese foo???

Sometimes Chinese foo tas'e goo...sometimes Chinese foo tas'e poo

I like the Chinese fooooo.....

My wife hates that song, but my kids at school always love it. The high school kids used to request it all the time. Ah...those where the days.......

A fast two day week at work. Good to have the brain back in gear!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

To school, school!!!

Yes! Finally, we get back to work today!!! Hurray for the snow plow guys and gals!!! I didn't think mentally I was going to make it! :) Conferences tonight on top of first day's gonna be a looonnnngggg day!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The doldrums....

I have been following Abby Sunderland as she sails around the world solo circumnavigating. She is currently in the doldrums near the equator. She says in her blog it is very warm there and I told her that was just not the case here in southwestern Ohio.

I am really quite tired of snow at this point. I did manage to get out of the house yesterday with a trip into town to help my dad with some computer magic. Not really of course, but installing anti-virus and other useful tools can be like magic to those who don't know how to do it. It is great fun to be able to help people like that and try not to make them feel dumb at the same time.

Well Mrs. W. is preparing to make the trek into work as she has not had the call off this morning. She I believe, is the lucky one. Although I am sure her kids will be wound for hopefully they will make the effort to be good today.

Are we ever going to go back???

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Nothing like it...

The last fabulous piece of chess pie... absolutely fabulous!


Monday, February 15, 2010

SNOW again..........??????

It really doesn't seem possible that it is snowing again. Okay, granted, it is February, and it is still winter in Ohio, but we haven't been to school in a week now. I am ready to be at work, and I have kids who need to be working, learning, growing and I don't think they at this point (most likely) that they are.

Snow is beautiful I will give you that one. It is. Clean and pure wonderfully quiet as it floats downward. It leaves what ever it touches just a little more picturesque.

Check out the back...

and now out front, towards the lake...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Lookin for a place of their own...

Today we went with Emily and Alex to look at the place they are trying to get for themselves. It is an older two story home in Hamilton with loads of character. Here are a couple of pics of the place and our lunch at Bruno's afterwards.


Friday, February 12, 2010


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day of rest...for the most part

Other than some shoveling of snow, this was a nice day to rest. I did manage to get the drive dug out in front of the garage. I am sure the dogs will appreciate not having to trudge through the snow to get off the back deck now! It's fun to watch Maya when she comes in with snow on her nose! She is just a big happy puppy!

Mouse needed this day I think to rest her yuck cough. She is still sacked out on the couch with her faithful friends keeping her warm. Cindy says she looks like a pretzel all contorted like she is.

Snow is falling again and it will be interesting to see if the wind really picks up and makes things worse. It doesn't look too bad right now. We will see what tomorrow brings. I do know that the Lord puts on a beautiful show when he sends the snow in....everything looks so peaceful, so least until the snow plow comes through.


Monday, February 8, 2010

Not again....

I love snow as much as the next guy, but missing school because of it isn't cool any more! I need to be in class with my kids and they need to be there with me. It's just way too tempting to relax and get lazy with the brain cells when there isn't any motivation to keep them firing! I told some of them today that they needed to spend some time when we are off testing their minds. Hopefully they took their math stuff home with them...what are the odds??? Hmmm...89 students, 4 classes, snow already on the ground...I am guessing somewhere in the neighborhood of 12 will get the books, notes and mad minutes home and then about 5 will do something with them. I would love to be proven wrong!

Tired, it was a very long day.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Maya doesn't want to be famous... won't be long.....

Wow, I love it when there is lots of snow! Not fun to drive in, okay yes it is if you are not potentially going to hurt anyone or anything. It is! Any way, today we are hopefully going to get to go look at the kids' house. I know they are excited to get out of their apartment and I know it is nerve racking to take on that kind of financial debt, but the long term payoff is great when you can swing it. Just excited for them and can't wait to see that!

As for the it is really blowing out there this morning. It even feels kind of cool in the house for the first time this winter. So it has really done something out there. It is beautiful though. I love the scenery with fresh snow on it. The lake which is usually excruciatingly difficult to look at this time of the year is suddenly transformed. The trees look like they are wearing gowns of white as if waiting for a wedding to start. It just has a sense of purity about it. I can hear the wind howling out the back side of the house. The dogs have been out and had to be dried off after they got back in. Now they are snug back in the bed with Cindy huddled together staying cozy warm.

Hopefully more later after we have been to the house!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Back in the real world...

Well today it was back at it in the real world as the last three days at the eTech conference were filled with brain stretching information. I am excited to start putting into practice those things that I learned about during those sessions! Hopefully the things I gleaned will be beneficial to my students.

Apart from that the best part is being home...sometimes it is an easy place to take for granted, especially the people there that you care about the most. I am thankful to be home safe and sound once more.

Night all,

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

eTech day 3

Wow, first class out of the blocks and it is a winner! Google tools and what to do with them. I am going to post a link to the site the girl used to do her presentation from. I actually has the slide show at the bottom of the main page. Have fun, hopefully more later!

The last class I went to was a let down. Too much all over the place, and not enough focus on any one particular item. There were some cool tools introduced to create avatars, but most were very expensive and not time efficient.

Currently waiting for a Moodle class which I am sure will not be a bust!

2:29 - wow another home run class! Now, what you have to know is that they went to a Moodle class last year that Brian did here in Columbus. Now within the year, they have over 200 courses! That is amazing! They have an amazing online staff development course that they did which we are trying to get them to send us! It is really good and could help a lot of people grow their courses!


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

eTech day 2

Getting ready to hear Brett Gensburg do a SMART board presentation. We actually got in the room prior to the end of the session before him to get a seat.People were already in here like us getting seats for other people they know. The dude is hyper!

Monday, February 1, 2010

eTech day one I wasted several of my 86400 seconds this morning. I was supposed to be ready to work this morning @ 8:30. Show time was 15 mins prior (on time). Could not find the person in charge of the area we were to work in. You would think that a large state conference would be a little more well organized. Had a nice conversation with my co-volunteer Emily but other than that we were quite bored. In class now....more later.
